Robert Hunter Personal Archive

Journal 12.17.96

Mailbags:March-November 1996

Giant's Harp Gateway
12/10 Corrected Giant's Harp 
   Lyrics & other PDF files

Index of all files
SENTINEL 1993 includes 
"American Adventure"
part 1 of a 4 part work
2.Silver Marbles 
3. The Bride of Entropy
4. Number and None

Library of the Uncanny

Orfeo Files #13
McKenna-Hunter dialogue. 
     New letters
   The Duino_Elegies  
The Sonnets to Orpheus
by Rainer Maria Rilke 
   my translations
blockprints by Maureen

Northwest to Alaska 
by Peter S. Olesen

Kids Street Theater 
Help Support kids at risk.

Terrapin end verses 
DeadNet Central Online
picture by Katy Hunter
Happy Holidays Everyone!
The only war that matters is the
   war against the imagination
     ...Diane diPrima