[Archive] [majorlinks]

You can just skip all this, if you've got Acrobat Reader installed, and go to LYRICS (162k) for a handsome PDF file of the lyrics. This is the one to download. Instead of fighting with the Table of Contents system, you use the Command Find button and type in the first word or two of the lyric you're looking for. Or use the TOC active link buttons. If you don't have the ACROBAT reader, get it now FREE. Just punch this link:

[load old HTML version of Hunter GD lyrics] 154k

I divided the TOC into three parts, to get around a limitation of the program. The second part is in the middle and the last part is at the tail end of the file, so you access it by scrolling up, then returning to the bottom of the file to choose another link.

Load PDF version of LYRICS (162k)

[load HTML version of Hunter GD lyrics] 154k

[View other_lyric_resources] 9k (link to bootleg GD lyric files on the internet)

Here's some other good stuff to look at.
The following URL's take you off deadnet. Barlow) (elegant tribute page for John Cipollina) (high quality video & sound clips from Zero)

[Archive] [majorlinks]
